
A Mediocre Book
This is such a shame, because there was no reason for this book to be so mediocre. I liked the character ��� she reminds me of someone I know ��� and I felt the plot was a good one. She starts of as an inexperienced and none too impressive stripper, so there���s comedy there right from the start. However, despite the fact that I consider myself to be a man of the world I had no idea what a ���bustier��� was or indeed ���pasties.��� I assumed ���pasties��� was a euphemism for her pale boobs but they���re apparently decorative coverings for a stripper���s nipples ��� so she���s not exactly much of a stripper.
A ���bustier��� by the way is a close-fitting strapless top worn by women in 1970���s.
And this is what spoiled the book for me, in that the author uses ridiculous ���fillers��� to bulk it out instead of cracking on with the storyline. We learn that large women shouldn���t wear horizontal stripes, that Rose Marie has permed blonde hair, that Addison is wearing a short black skirt, a George Michael tank top that says FAITH in hot pink glitter, a pair of flip flops and an oversized straw hat and that Kate���s wearing a pinstripe suit and sensible flat shoes.
We then learn that Addison has a 1950���s wool day dress with a flared skirt and a thin black belt in her closet. WOW! How fascinating is that? I found myself forgetting about the plot, interested only in what else Addison kept in her closet, but I was distracted from these thoughts because Addison ���skipped the pantyhose, slipped on a pair of three-inch strappy sandals, grabbed a pink rain slicker (that���s a raincoat), and shoved a bunch of Kleenex in her coat pockets.���
Do you see what I mean by ���fillers���? An absolutely useless paragraph that serves no purpose whatsoever apart from bulking out the book.
It gets worse. We have to endure a shopping trip to look for a dress for a hot date. She finds a suitable dress, by the way, but is advised by Rose Marie that it would look better with Spanx. Another word I had to look up. It���s some kind of a corset or girdle, I think, with a pee hole that ���. Oh, what do I know? Anyway, who cares? It���s got absolutely nothing to do with the plot.
Hang on, is there a plot? I haven���t the faintest idea. I gave up at that stage. I just couldn���t bear it any longer. I honestly couldn���t care less what Addison was going to wear next, or Nick for that matter, or Kate, or Rose Marie, or anyone. I was unprepared to fight my way through all these fillers just to get to a plot ���. If there was one.
The author, by the way, prides herself on enjoying contact with her readers. I don���t think so. I started following her on Twitter but she couldn���t be bothered to follow back, which is unprofessional and rude. She has 5681 followers, and is following just 917 people, meaning that she only follows back about 17% of her fan base, so not exactly making too much of an effort to connect with her readership.
I���d give this book a miss.
This is such a shame, because there was no reason for this book to be so mediocre. I liked the character ��� she reminds me of someone I know ��� and I felt the plot was a good one. She starts of as an inexperienced and none too impressive stripper, so there���s comedy there right from the start. However, despite the fact that I consider myself to be a man of the world I had no idea what a ���bustier��� was or indeed ���pasties.��� I assumed ���pasties��� was a euphemism for her pale boobs but they���re apparently decorative coverings for a stripper���s nipples ��� so she���s not exactly much of a stripper.
A ���bustier��� by the way is a close-fitting strapless top worn by women in 1970���s.
And this is what spoiled the book for me, in that the author uses ridiculous ���fillers��� to bulk it out instead of cracking on with the storyline. We learn that large women shouldn���t wear horizontal stripes, that Rose Marie has permed blonde hair, that Addison is wearing a short black skirt, a George Michael tank top that says FAITH in hot pink glitter, a pair of flip flops and an oversized straw hat and that Kate���s wearing a pinstripe suit and sensible flat shoes.
We then learn that Addison has a 1950���s wool day dress with a flared skirt and a thin black belt in her closet. WOW! How fascinating is that? I found myself forgetting about the plot, interested only in what else Addison kept in her closet, but I was distracted from these thoughts because Addison ���skipped the pantyhose, slipped on a pair of three-inch strappy sandals, grabbed a pink rain slicker (that���s a raincoat), and shoved a bunch of Kleenex in her coat pockets.���
Do you see what I mean by ���fillers���? An absolutely useless paragraph that serves no purpose whatsoever apart from bulking out the book.
It gets worse. We have to endure a shopping trip to look for a dress for a hot date. She finds a suitable dress, by the way, but is advised by Rose Marie that it would look better with Spanx. Another word I had to look up. It���s some kind of a corset or girdle, I think, with a pee hole that ���. Oh, what do I know? Anyway, who cares? It���s got absolutely nothing to do with the plot.
Hang on, is there a plot? I haven���t the faintest idea. I gave up at that stage. I just couldn���t bear it any longer. I honestly couldn���t care less what Addison was going to wear next, or Nick for that matter, or Kate, or Rose Marie, or anyone. I was unprepared to fight my way through all these fillers just to get to a plot ���. If there was one.
The author, by the way, prides herself on enjoying contact with her readers. I don���t think so. I started following her on Twitter but she couldn���t be bothered to follow back, which is unprofessional and rude. She has 5681 followers, and is following just 917 people, meaning that she only follows back about 17% of her fan base, so not exactly making too much of an effort to connect with her readership.
I���d give this book a miss.